Does Poop Smell Better on Plant-Based Diet- The Secret Benefit - Nutrit Diet

Does Poop Smell Better on Plant-Based Diet- The Secret Benefit

Does Poop smell better on plant-based diet?

Yes, poop smells better on a plant-based diet.

poop on a plant based diet

Do you know, you diet plays an important role in controlling how your body process food? Most of you noticed that how poop smells affects the food you eat.

When people change their diet routine to Plant based diet, they often notice many different changes in their energy level, health, skin, and more. But most of the people who converted their diet to plant based feel the surprising change in digestion. Want to know the best part: Your Poop smells better on a plant-based diet. Let’s solve the mystery of Plant based diet and poop odor.

Why does poop smell?

Before understanding the connection between poop and plant-based diet, let’s figure out, why poop smells. Poop smells due to the waste material in our intestines, bacteria, and the gases that are produced when the bacteria break down the food in your gut.

Foods that produced smelly poop:

  • Meat, poultry, and seafood
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower
  • Legumes like soybeans and black beans
Other possible causes of smelly poop include: 
  • Food intolerance
  • Celiac disease
  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Infections
  • Underlying medical conditions like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or cystic fibrosis

How plant-based diet affect poop smell

Does poop on a plant based diet

A vegan diet is in low mercaptans which are organic compounds and it causes in reducing the poop smell. Here are further details of how vegan based diet can help you in your digestion:

·       Rich fiber:

Plant-based diets are rich in fiber. It is effective in moving food smoothly in your system. Furthermore, it can help in softening poop, making it less smelly and regulating the poop.

·       Healthier Gut Bacteria:

Plant-based diet helps in fewer bad-smelling compounds as it helps in growing good bacteria in gut.

·       Less Sulfur:

Plant-based diets have less sulfur which helps to reduce poop smell. More sulfur-rich foods like eggs and meats cause more smell.

Also read about: How to Make a Healthy Breakfast on a Plant-Based Diet

What experts say about Poop smell in plant based diet:

There are no such studies that show the connection between poop smell and plant-based diet. However, there are a lot of research that indicates a plant-based diet affects gut health. So, according to some experts, eating plant based diet will help you in a healthier gut, which can also mean less poop smell.

More benefits of a Plant-Based Diet for your Gut:

There are many other benefits of plant based diet, except bettering poop smell:

  • Better digestion
  • Good for diabetes
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Good for heart disease
  • Improve skin health
  • Weight management
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Beneficial for cancer

Easy Way to Eat More Plants:

To start your diet, you don’t have to complete go for a plant based diet at the start. You can make your plant habit slowly. Here are some ways to eat more plants:

  • Add vegetables to smoothies
  • Eat nuts
  • Choose a new vegetable or fruit
  • Swap vegetables for other ingredients
  • Add one meatless meal per week
  • Fill half your plate with vegetables
  • Add leafy greens to dishes


Does poop smell better on a vegan diet? For many: The answer is yes! Eating plant-based diet can positively affect your body. It can improve your digestive system and gut health and make your poop less smelly. Why not give it a try? Start small, and you might notice a difference—for your gut and even your nose!

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